Category Archives: Urban Planning

Campact Aufruf der Ini “Einfach Einsteigen”

Hier auch mal ein Aufruf:

“Einfach Einsteigen” hat auf der Campact-Plattform eine Petition

Neben den Kernforderungen zum Nahverkehr denkt die Ini auch an den Umweltverbund als Ganzes und hat daher folgende Forderung mitaufgenommen:

* Forcieren Sie gleichzeitig Maßnahmen zur Förderung des Rad- und
Fußverkehrs, damit der Umweltverbund insgesamt attraktiv, schnell und
sicher wird.

Ihr könnt jetzt unterschreiben!!!

“Platz Da!” Moves Up A Gear

The “Platz Da!” initiative has officially launched, as reported in the Weserkurier and on the telly.

“Platz Da! Bremen “is involving a growing number of Bremen citizens who are working together for a better cycling and walking infrastructure, and a comprehensive parking management system for the city. The campaign’s key demand is that the streets belong to all of us, not just the owners of parked cars, and is working with the Transport Transition Alliance , launched in January 2018 with a call for a city-wide management of car parking, and a genuine strategy for reducing space used by parked vehicles.

Continue reading “Platz Da!” Moves Up A Gear

Ralph Saxe – Transport Revolution In 2019?

Ralph Saxe

With Bremen’s state election looming next year, and the Greens riding high in the polls, there is a very real chance that they will form a strengthened half of any new coalition. With the two old parties declining in popularity, there is even the prospect of a Green-led government. With this in mind, we recently interviewed Ralph Saxe, transport spokesperson for the Bremen Greens, to see what they have in mind for the coming legislature.  Continue reading Ralph Saxe – Transport Revolution In 2019?

Berlin Citizens Initiative for Cycling – from Grassroots Movement to Mobility Act

On June 28th 2018 Berlin’s Parliament signed a new Mobility Act into effect. This was the final point of a more than two and a half-year long campaign by the Initiative Citizens Referendum for Cycling in Berlin and their umbrella organization Changing Cities.

Sit-in of Citizens’ Cycling Referendum in Berlin-Kreuzberg, 22.10.2017 

Continue reading Berlin Citizens Initiative for Cycling – from Grassroots Movement to Mobility Act

Portland – the myth and the reality

Following a television documentary about the “do it yourself” and bicycle culture in Portland, Oregon, last year, many Bremers, and especially cyclists, asked me if Portland is really as cool as all the hype.

 Well-signed bike route through residential streets in the Mt Tabor neighbourhood of Portland, Oregon.

My answer was yes, and no. Continue reading Portland – the myth and the reality

Women on bikes – There is a difference

 „The bicycle has done more for the emancipation of middle and upper class women then all the struggles of the womens’ movement“. So wrote the Austrian authoress and feminist Rosa Mayreder (1858-1938).

Female English Racing Cyclists – Englische Radrennfahrerinnen 1

The first female cyclists came from wealthy families, taking the opportunity to get away from their restrictive circumstances. In Bremen there were Ricarda Huch and Aline von Kapff, who fought for their freedom from the saddle of their bicycles more than 100 years ago. Continue reading Women on bikes – There is a difference