The collection of signatures for the citizen motion Platz Da! (we reported) is on the home straight. With the help of over 20 collectors and over 80 shop owners and businesses in Bremen, 4,500 supporters have signed the petition to date. To ensure the petition’s viability, about 1,000 signatures are still sought by the organizers to exceed the minimum of 4,000 required signatures by a good safety margin, covering invalid entries.
New collectors are still welcome to the Platz Da! team. Contact details and the current collection dates and locations are displayed on the website of Platz Da!
The occasion of a “cycle station” erected by activists of the Bremen section of the Verkehrsclub Deutschland opposite the city library Bremen, also doubled for the collection of Platz Da! signatures
The Platz Da! petition wants to send a powerful signal to the future coalition government of Bremen during the negotiation of their coalition agreement in June. The motion requests:
> Substantial increase in investment in good pedestrian and cycling infrastructure!
> Enforcement of rules and parking bans!
> Introduction of Bremen-wide management of public parking spaces, with the use of fees for the expansion of sustainable transport modes and infrastructures!
We’ll keep you updated.
Gibt es einen Stichtag, bis wann die Stimmen eingesammelt sein müssen?
Hallo Jan, nein, es gibt keinen formellen Stichtag, Wir werden den Antrag mit den Unterschriften einreichen, wenn die neue Regierung im Amt ist.