For some time now – from near and afar – I’ve been rubbernecking the ongoing saga of Parkallee – and the council’s to-ing and fro-ing, politicians and officers alike. What to do? What’s going on? At one point there is a cycleway, then there isn’t, now you see it, now you don’t, then no-one quite knows what’s really happening. The thing for me is this: where is the decision-making clarity? Where is the solid foundation to traffic – and in particular cycle – policy? Continue reading Wazzup On Parkallee?
Category Archives: Infrastructure
Reinhard Loske
Reinhard Loske interview from Moving Films on Vimeo.
„Give cyclists clear advantages over cars“. That is probably the essence of ex-Bremen transport senator Reinhard Loske’s transport policy credo. Herr Loske, who is also a significant critic of endless economic growth, will be back in Bremen next weekend to speak at the “Infrastructures of Happiness” congress, and expand on his ideas. Continue reading Reinhard Loske
Out of the Blue and Into the Black
Right, here’s a post for people who like their rock ’n’ roll loud.
Green Light for Cycle Neighbourhood
Further to our post in December, it has been announced this week that Bremen has been successful in its bid for federal funding towards a budget of €2.4m (2.396.650m €) for the proposed Bicycle Neighbourhood in the Neustadt district of the city.
Cycle Streets That Inspire?
Albrechtstraße: An old and comfy cycle street in Bremen
Bremen released a comprehensive transport plan in 2014: Verkehrsentwicklungsplan 2025. One of many aims is to improve cycling and cycling infrastructure. In Germany “Verkehrswende”, i.e. a fundamental change of the transport world, is a big issue. Accordingly you would think the Bremen transport plan, VEP 2025, takes this concept seriously. So why are cycle streets so feebly implemented? There are a number of theories. Here are 2 for starters.
Bremen Cycle Streets: Humboldtstraße – A Role Model?
Bremen’s politicians are extremely proud of the new design of Humboldtstraße as a Cycle Street. It is hailed by our representatives and their cycling advisers as a great solution for a range of problems. However, the new design didn’t arise because all the experts thought Humboldtstraße to be the ideal space for a Cycle Street. Rather, the idea was developed because Hansewasser, Bremen’s water company, planned to upgrade the sewer system under the road.
Continue reading Bremen Cycle Streets: Humboldtstraße – A Role Model?
Cycle Streets: Do content and label match?
Cycle Streets in Bremen: Purpose and Reality
Fahrradstraßen – Cycle Streets – are seen, alongside cycle lanes, cycle tracks, protective strips and more, as a tool to promote cycling. The basic concept – according to Germany’s road traffic regulations – is a road without motor traffic:
Continue reading Cycle Streets: Do content and label match?
Scharnhorststraße Cycle Street Plans – Who Benefits?
Last month, on 24th November, the Office for Road Traffic (ASV) made public its plans for the conversion of Scharnhorststraße to a Cycle Street. The project, part of the city’s Traffic Development Plan (VEP) 2025, was presented to the meeting of the Advisory Council Schwachhausen on 24.11.2016.
Continue reading Scharnhorststraße Cycle Street Plans – Who Benefits?
Model Bike Neighbourhood in Neustadt?
The term “Model Bike Neighbourhood” (Fahrradmodellquartier) awakens fantasies and desires in me. It sounds like “city of the future” and rather cool. It sounds like a neighbourhood, in which everyone can move in the public space with the same right and without fear. People like to hang around outside and engage in conversation or participate in public life. Cargo bikes are being shared and walkways and spaces are free from parking cars. Nobody is run over by two-ton metal boxes, nobody is harked at or pushed aside. Air is pure – besides the Neustadt watermark of malt and liquid chocolate – and you can hear the birds singing. Cars play but a marginal role.
Bremen Cycle Streets: Too Compromised?
Cycle Streets are an important issue in Bremen. Over the coming weeks we’ll be publishing a short series of posts on the theme. The first comes from Gudrun Eickelberg, a Green politician and artist.
In recent years, Bremen’s status as a Cycling City has been officially articulated by setting up a number of so-called Fahrradstraßen – Cycle Streets. For example, Bremen’s Transport Development Plan 2025 states that “Cycle Streets (…) are to be established in the main cycle network and in roads with an important connection function and high cycling traffic”.