Platz Da! (There’s Space!) Bremen has collected 6,000 signatures in the Hanseatic city and held endless debates with politicians to make more space in Bremen for all people. Platz da! has fought for state-wide parking management, for the abolition of parking on footpaths and cycle paths, for a proper enforcement of parking bans and for a transport transition in the city. The “comprehensive” aspect of their proposals was turned down by the ruling coalition, principally by the Social Democrats, but at least parking management is to be introduced in some districts – Mitte, Östliche Vorstadt, Schwachhausen, Findorff, Walle and Neustadt. It has been a long battle, but on 17 November 2020 parliament agreed the compromise. As an admonition and reminder for the members of parliament, the activists came to the Bürgerschaft…
Category Archives: Video
Reinhard Loske
Reinhard Loske interview from Moving Films on Vimeo.
„Give cyclists clear advantages over cars“. That is probably the essence of ex-Bremen transport senator Reinhard Loske’s transport policy credo. Herr Loske, who is also a significant critic of endless economic growth, will be back in Bremen next weekend to speak at the “Infrastructures of Happiness” congress, and expand on his ideas. Continue reading Reinhard Loske
Bremen Cycle Streets: Humboldtstraße – A Role Model?
Bremen’s politicians are extremely proud of the new design of Humboldtstraße as a Cycle Street. It is hailed by our representatives and their cycling advisers as a great solution for a range of problems. However, the new design didn’t arise because all the experts thought Humboldtstraße to be the ideal space for a Cycle Street. Rather, the idea was developed because Hansewasser, Bremen’s water company, planned to upgrade the sewer system under the road.
Continue reading Bremen Cycle Streets: Humboldtstraße – A Role Model?
The Good, The Bad, The Trees
Fahrradstrassen from Moving Films on Vimeo.
The second post in our series about Cycle Streets follows a team as they look more closely at some of Bremen’s former, current and future Cycle Streets. They found that, not only is car parking a dominant factor in driving their development, but there is also a forgotten victim – Bremen’s trees.
Jan Gehl – Cities for People
Jan Gehl – Architect, Urban Planner, Visionary and Humanist
Jan Gehl is an experienced architect and urban planner from Copenhagen with a very special view on his environment. Today he has become something of a patron for pedestrians and cyclists. Continue reading Jan Gehl – Cities for People
Out of the Blue
The Neustadt, a densely populated district of Bremen on the south bank of the river Weser, is described in official literature as offering quiet streets with charming old houses. However, like so many other such areas, the charm is cursed by the demands of the car and its proponents. So when we, a group of local residents took the initiative to try to calm their streets, the hope was that the local authority – with a Green Party senator running the transport department – would look kindly on our efforts, but the reaction was the absolute opposite.
Continue reading Out of the Blue
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